

Great news! Today, Nintendo announced that 3DS System have updated to V11.0.0-33 directly.

The mainly changes for 3DS system V11.0.0-33
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

The players who want to update can connect eShop to download patches, and update 3DS System to the latest version. We have tested with Sky3ds and Sky3ds+, please check the pictures,  Sky3ds/Sky3ds+ can support the newest 3DS V11.0.0-33 prefect well. And this news have been confirmed by Sky3ds official website.

Ninjhax 2.7, oot3dhax, and Arm9LoaderHax can be also used with V11.0.0-33
Gateway flashcard support the latest version 11.0.0-33 emuNAN. Sky3ds and Sky3ds+ support 11.0.0-33 directly.

Those are the patched homebrews hacks by 3DS 11.0
    Browserhax: Still Patched
    Ironhax: Still Patched
    Menuhax: Still Patched
    Memchunkhax2: Still Patched
    Tubehax: Patched for a long time.

If you want to know more about Sky3ds/Sky3ds+, please visit gamezway.com